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Love in a Mist




These sprays have been handmade with love, spiritual guidance, prayers, and sacred blessings to evoke a 

healing, energetically clear, and high vibration, as well as a beautiful aroma!


Each spray contains a combination of crystal waters (blessed by the Sun and full Moon) and a unique blend of

 flower essences and pure essential oils.


They have been created to release the imbalance of ‘dense/heavy’ energies that can accumulate in our physical and emotional bodies and our homes and workplaces. This imbalance can deplete our energies, preventing us from feeling at optimum health. They nurture energetic support to fulfill our potential:  mentally, emotionally,

 physically and spiritually.


The vibration of all these subtle energies combines to create a transformational impact on well-being and balance.  As the energies flow, a deep feeling of calm, cleansing, or focus, depending on your choice of spray, can be felt.


These sprays are highly regarded and I have had many heartfelt and beautiful testimonials to their healing potential and effectiveness, including efficient space clearing, supporting grief, deep relaxation, restful sleep, and meditation focus.



SHAKE WELL, spray around the whole

space, particularly in corners of rooms.  Meditation, focus (and thanking the Nature Spirits) enhances the energetics.


External Use Only


*These sacred space sprays are made with the finest natural ingredients, as labeled.  However, some people use these as aura sprays (at their own discretion).  


Please check ingredients if you are pregnant or

 have other skin sensitivities. 




Transmutes negativity and eliminates lower vibrations.

 Cleanses the auric body, purifies the chakras and

grounds one’s spiritual self.


*Practitioners find this spray invaluable for clearing rooms between clients.

Sugilite & Charoite Crystal Charged Water.

Essential Oils of Bergamot, Sandalwood, Juniper, Lavender, Sage, Frankincense, Vetivert, Cedarwood. Orange Blossom Water & Alcohol.  

Unique Blend of flower essences.



Instils feelings of deep security and emotional balance, enabling a greater sense of trust and self -acceptance.

Uplifting, grounding, and protective.

* Good for people who get overwhelmed by other’s energies and being in hectic environments.


Fire Agate Kunzite Sodalite Crystal Charged Water. 

Essential Oils of  Rose Absolute, Basil, Cypress, Camomile, Mandarin, Vetivert. 

Rose Water & Alcohol.  A unique blend of flower essences.




Promotes self-love, personal expression, and creativity.

Good for emotional balance, harmony, and

forgiveness. Brings hope to feelings of sadness.

Aids restful sleep.


Rose Quartz Crystal Charged Water

Essential Oils of Sandalwood, Rose Geranium, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Rose Absolute, Sage, Cedarwood, Vetivert, Frankincense, Jasmine.

Rose Water & Alcohol.  Unique Blend of Flower Essences



Balances all the chakras, raising the vibration for meditation.  Provides mental and spiritual clarity, yet grounding and protecting.  Enhances creativity and communication.


Turquoise Crystal Charged Water.

Essential Oils of Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Rose Geranium, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Frankincense. 

Lavender Water & Alcohol

Unique Blend of Flower Essences 



Good general healer, uplifting. Rejuvenates and cleanses the mind.  Promotes self-confidence.

Brings feelings of joy and abundance.


Citrine Crystal Charged Water.

Essential oils of Bergamot, Sandalwood, Juniper, Frankincense, Rose Geranium.  

Rose Water & Alcohol. 

Unique Blend of Flower Essences



Releasing one’s limitations,

allowing for the confidence to build one’s dreams into physical reality. Enhances wisdom, prosperity, and luck.


Aventurine, Jade & Amazonite Crystal Charged Water.

Essential Oils of Basil, Frankincense, Peppermint, Orange, Bergamot, Vetivert. 

Neroli Orange Blossom Water & Alcohol.

Unique Blend of Flower Essences


Potent, full Moon blessed.  Enhancing psychic and

ritual workings.  Aids intuitive, reflective

insight, and lucid dreaming. Calming and protective.


Moonstone, Angelite, Selenite Crystal Charged Water.

Essential Oils of Geranium, Jasmine, Rosewood, Benzoin, Myrrh.

 Lavender Water  & Alcohol.

Unique Blend of Flower Essences.



Attracts the precious love vibration into one’s heart,

inspiring intimacy, sharing, and growth.


Rose Quartz, Emerald, Opal  Crystal Charged Water.

Essential oils of Rosemary, Myrrh, Basil, Cedarwood, Benzoin, Ylang Ylang.

 Rose Water & Alcohol.

Unique Blend of Flower Essences. 



Helps develop the confidence to trust Soul’s higher purpose.  Soothing, shining light on emotional trauma, restoring optimism and joy.


Labradorite, Amazonite, Sunstone  Crystal Charged Water.

Essential oils of Black Pepper, Bergamot, Vanilla, Hyssop, Neroli, Frankincense.

 Rose Water & Alcohol.

Unique Blend of Flower Essences.

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